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2023 Strategic Program Speakers

In 2017, after fifteen years as a geologist and senior leadership professional in the Energy Industry, Kiersten embarked on the most significant challenge of her life: gender transition. Gender transition was life-changing in many ways. Kiersten's publicly authentic and vulnerable approach to her transition allowed her to see how authenticity in the workplace could build connection and synergy with her colleagues. Additionally, as Kiersten moved from a dominant to a non-dominant group while maintaining a corporate leadership role, she discovered many insights about improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in professional spaces. As she continued her corporate career, Kiersten found new motivation to engage in a more meaningful life through volunteering in the community and educating herself with a Bachelor of Psychology.
Eventually, these experiences ignited a personal passion which led Kiersten to step out of her energy industry role, continue with a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, and launch Terra Firma Transition Consulting. Kiersten is now passionate about using the unique intersection of her education, twenty years of corporate and leadership experience, and lived experience as a transgender professional to help empower organizations to create authentic, equitable, accessible, and inclusive workplaces where everyone can succeed. Kiersten's approach begins by immersing herself in the organizations she works with, understanding their unique challenges and barriers, and then working collaboratively to build the education, inclusive policies and change management strategies required to create extinction-proof change in the organization.
In her community, Kiersten is proudly an executive board member for the Airdrie Pride Society and a board director with Distress Centre Calgary. Most recently, Kiersten was honoured to be recognized by her community as Airdrie's 2020 Amazing Women in Advocacy and nominated by the Mayor of Airdrie for a 2020 Star of Alberta Award.
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